Let’s talk about LOVE! Who and what do you love? I love movement. I love how moving my body energizes me and calms my overactive mind. I also love people, and any activity that makes me feel connected to others. I’d like to share a new LOVE of mine … yoga!
As I pondered my new-found love of yoga, I realized that I fall in love with everything that brings out the best in me. My husband brings out the best in me – and I love him for it! My business is built on my best abilities and as a result I love my job! What I do for my body each day also brings out the best in me: I love the pounding of my heart as I pedal my Keiser bike at 90 RPMs in cycling class, I love to swing a kettlebell with power, and I love to body roll in U-Jam class. I have recently fallen in love with slowly breathing as I lift my body out of a twisted crescent lunge opening into warrior two on my yoga mat. Breathing, holding, sweating … ah yes true LOVE! Each of these activities brings out the best in me by giving my body something I need. Shouldn’t everything we do for our bodies come from a place of LOVE?
Are you someone who has stopped doing the very thing that brings out the best in you? Maybe you’ve simply lost touch with activities you once loved doing? Or maybe you’re looking for, or wishing for, a way to move your body that you’d fall in love with to help you stick with it? Remember to set a reasonable expectation for LOVE. It doesn’t have to be perfect. All of us are on a journey with our bodies and our health, it will never be perfect, but we can certainly LOVE ourselves along the way.
Try something new, start with the basics, and ask for guidance. Always seek new activities to show LOVE to yourself. Keep asking, “What will bring out the best in me? What do I LOVE doing for myself?” Finding people and activities that we love will keep us fulfilled, connected, and happy. That’s what LOVE does. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Join us for March MATness – a 4-week ‘Yoga 101’ Series
Sundays at 4 p.m. beginning February 24th. $60 for 4 classes. Learn the basics and connect to your body.
Encourage your spouse or a friend to join you.
Infrared HEAT is coming soon to HG! More details in our next blog!