Stronger Together - Libertyville Area Moms

Stronger Together blog by Heather Fahrenkrog




I love inspirational and motivational quotes. It often seems as though the message was written just for me and speaks to whatever I may be feeling or helps me shift my energy and focus. Sometimes the message makes me respond with a resounding ‘hell yeah’! Like this one – “Surround yourself with people who push you, who challenge you, who make you laugh, who make you better, who make you happy.”


I couldn’t agree with this more! Everybody needs somebody – now more than ever. Someone to support you and cheer you on! It is so much better “climbing” with a friend by your side. It is so much easier to conquer any hill with a friend and a coach pushing you to dig deep, encouraging you to stay positive, and reminding you to believe in yourself.


Whatever challenges lie ahead, Heather’s Gym is here for you. This August we kick off our ‘Dynamic Duos Class Challenge’ – a challenge that’s all about support, accountability, and a sense of team. Power through August completing 20 classes each – any combination of in-studio, virtual, or outside classes. There is a fantastic prize for the Duo who completes the most classes! But every Duo benefits from a great workout, feeling connected, and filled with positivity.


Yes, times are uncertain and constantly changing but we will tackle every challenge together. We were built for times like these. TOGETHER we will move forward with strong hearts, strong bodies, and strong minds.

We are Heather’s Gym. We are stronger together! Join us.





*This post is sponsored by Heather’s Gym.

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