Your small business’s marketing effort isn’t limited to paid advertising. It includes the words on your website, your social media game, and the effort you put into your business’s appearance. Here are 5 mistakes that are costing you business:
Using Misleading Language.
I have a very good photographer friend, who used to write on his website that “his staff” will come and photograph your wedding. “We” can’t wait to serve you. The issue is that he is a staff of 1. He isn’t trying to be deceitful, but he feels that using this kind of language will make his business seem larger and, therefore, more legit. But when customers learn that “we” is one person, they feel mislead and wonder what else he might not be honest about during their transaction. Be open, be honest, your customer will hear you.
Posting multiple times a day on social media channels.
When you post on any social media channel, let’s say Instagram, then Instagram shows all the people that you interact with your post. But it only shows them the last post that you made. So, if you posted at 9 AM and again at 11 AM, anyone pulling up their feed for the first time that day at 11:30 AM will only see your 11 AM post. What a waste of the time and effort that it took you to make your 9 AM post! Work smart, not hard!
Not updating your website!
I don’t know about you, but when I’m looking for a specific service or product, and I pull up a website that advertises a sale that expires in 2016, I look elsewhere. I won’t give a business the benefit of the doubt and give them a call. I’ll just assume they are out of business and move on. If you do nothing else on this list, update your website!
Using low-quality photography in marketing efforts.
That “headshot” of you sitting at the pool, holding a margarita? Probably isn’t sending the professional message that you were hoping for. Unless you are a trained photographer, it’s unlikely that your cell phone photos of your products are showing the quality of your products either. The investment in professional photography more than pays for itself by showing customers what it’s really like to work with you and assuring them that they aren’t hiring an amateur.
Using outdated photography in marketing efforts.
If I go onto your website, and your photo is of you fifteen years ago, I’m going to be pretty surprised when we meet! Additionally, if you are selling a product and the photo is a past version of that product, I’m going to feel like you mislead me! We want customers to know, like, and trust us. This means giving them the truest taste of what it would be like to buy from you on marketing efforts.
Good luck out there! If you have a question along the way, shoot me an email: [email protected]
PS – For a limited time only, get 25% off my Kickstarter Package!
You’ll get:
– A personalized brand kit to tell you how to look, speak, and deliver to your target customer.
– Custom photography that is made to tell your story and the value that you bring.
– A website refresh OR brand new website, made with your new photos, that brings in new clients.
All this for $6400 $4800. I won’t make this offer again this year! To apply, set up a quick chat with me here: Select a Date & Time – Calendly Chat soon!
Lindsey Oaks is an equestrian, author, and consultant who creates strategies for small business owners to communicate with the world. Her clients describe her as a coffee-addicted, high-energy smartypants, who tells stories to teach lessons.